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Discover expert Hyundai servicing at Bondi Motor Works in Sydney. Our experienced staff ensures top-notch repairs for popular models like I20 and I40. Escape dealership prices, stay cool with affordable AC service, and maintain warranty validity with our expert log book service. Call (02) 9386 0001 for quality care and cost savings.
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A great local workshop for you and your Hyundai

Hyundai Servicing

The I20 and I40 are two examples of Hyundai cars that are quickly moving up the charts of Sydney top sellers and creating a new demand for auto repair shops in town that can service Hyundai vehicles. The attractive pricing and solid reviews of all Hyundai models is spurring the growth in sales and we’ve seen more and more Hyundai owners at Bondi Motor Works. While other garages may be struggling to get up to speed with Hyundai models, our staff has the experience needed to be truly called a Hyundai expert.

Escape From Hyundai Dealership Prices

After you’ve purchased a new Elantra or Santa Fe, there’s no reason to return to a dealership for service, except in a recall situation. Unlike Bondi Motor Works, a Hyundai dealership has very expensive overhead, which translates to higher prices on all the services they offer. At our shop in Bondi Junction, we keep overhead low and pass the savings on to our customers. Do a simple price comparison and you’ll see that our combination of mechanical excellence and low costs is the right choice.

Stay Cool In The Summer

If your older Tucson or Accent’s air conditioning is only blowing hot air, then it’s time for an affordable AC service at Bondi Motor Works. Bring your car in and we’ll put it through a diagnostic test to see what the air conditioning needs to be functional once again. Many AC problems are easily solved by simply adding lubricant and gas, but deeper problems like line blockage or leaking hoses could mean that materials are escaping. We’ll address the root problem and have your AC back to keeping you cool when it matters the most.

Hyundai Log Book Service And Validation

Many first-time car owners with a new Hyundai make the mistake of ignoring the log book that is included with every I30, Veloster, or other model purchase. This document lists maintenance tasks and mileage intervals designed by Hyundai to protect your new car. The reason for having Bondi Motor Works complete your log book service is twofold. It not only keeps performance optimal, but it also is a requirement for your warranty to stay valid.

Got a new Hyundai and don’t understand the log book process? Call us at (02) 9386 0001 or pay us a visit in Bondi Junction and we’ll be glad to explain what you need to do.

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