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Experience top-tier Volvo & Holden servicing at Bondi Motor Works, your local garage in Bondi Junction. Trust us for superior customer service, prompt repairs, & log book updates. Your Volvo & Holden deserve the best.
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Local Holden Service In Your Own Backyard

Car Servicing Reliability and safety go hand in hand with the Volvo name. At the same time, even well-constructed cars like the V40 and S60 do need a little TLC from time to time. Bondi Motor Works wants to be your first choice in local auto garages when your Volvo is ready for a service or needs a repair.

With a pleasant and friendly staff that will always deliver service with a smile, we’re here to keep your car out of the shop and on the road. Our mechanics are both professional and talented, with an ability to find even the smallest of details that could be keeping your XC90 or V60 Cross Country from realising its potential.

Avoid Holden Overheating

If you’ve noticed that your Barina or Colorado is starting to overheat, it could be a problem with the radiator or cooling system. As an integral part of your Holden’s mechanical function, a proper cooling system includes many different components as well as hoses and tubes that link those components. To determine the exact source of your Holden’s overheating issue, the Bondi Motor Works will examine every inch of the cooling system to discover areas that are blocked or leaking. In many cases, an overheating Cruze or Astra can be easily fixed without the need for full component replacement.

Convenient Location

Your search for a qualified Holden mechanic may take you far and wide through Sydney, but one visit to us will show you have an excellent option in your own backyard. At Bondi Motor Works, our focus is on local neighborhoods like Bellevue Hill and Queens Park, but our clients come from every corner of the city. With a shop located directly in Bondi Junction, we have the advantage of being convenient to many different areas and the vast majority of Sydney residents can reach our facility in 15 minutes or less.

Keep Your Holden Log Book Updated

Auto Repair ServiceA new Captiva or Colorado may be the perfect solution for your personal needs, but are you protected in the case of a major breakdown. One of the requirements for an active warranty is to keep your log book updated – a task made easier with the help of Bondi Motor Works. By choosing us as your Holden garage, you’ve found a partner that cares just as much as you about your car’s warranty and we’ll take the proper steps to ensure each and every task on your log book is completed and validated.

Come to Bondi Motor Works in Bondi Junction and you’ll find a local garage that excels in every respect. Superior customer service, prompt repairs, and a true commitment to excellence are just a few of the advantages you’ll experience at our shop.

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