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Experience top-tier Double Bay car servicing at Bondi Motor Works, offering a cost-effective alternative to dealerships. From log book servicing to full exhaust system replacements and transmission repairs, our skilled team ensures peak performance for your vehicle. Call us at (02) 9386 0001 for expert service and unmatched quality.
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Double Bay Car Servicing & Repairs

For many Double Bay residents, finding a qualified mechanic can be a struggle. There are those that provide decent service at high costs and inferior garages that also charge too much. Venture just a few minutes down the road and you’ll come across Bondi Motor Works, a repair shop that is top of its class in both quality and pricing.

An Alternative To Double Bay Dealerships

A visit to a Mercedes or Audi dealership can cost a ton, but an independent Double Bay repair shop can bring your maintenance and repair expenses down considerably. Despite what you may have been led to believe, a shop like Bondi Motor Works is both authorised to work on your new or used car and provides service every bit as good as a new car dealership. With low overhead, we focus on repair and maintenance jobs like log book servicing and offer the right prices.

Full Exhaust System Service And Replacement

When more than maintenance is needed, Bondi Motor Works is a full service repair shop, which means that we can tackle complex jobs like catalytic converter replacement or complete exhaust system overhaul. In both of these cases, our clients almost always report an increase in fuel efficiency as well as the removal of noxious fumes, black smoke, or excessive exhaust noise.

Transmission And Clutch Repair

In a similar manner, Bondi Motor Works is also equipped to deal with transmission problems of all kinds, from rebuilding an existing transmission to a simple gearbox or clutch swap. Together, these three components work to give you more control while driving and reduce the amount of motor wear that can occur at too high or low RPM. Whether you drive an automatic or manual, a transmission service from a reputable Double Bay garage will make a huge difference.

Bondi Motor Works wants your car to perform the same as it did the day you drove it off the dealership lot. Let us take care of your service and repair needs to bring back true factory-level performance.

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