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Steering & Suspension

You should have your Steering & Suspension regularly checked. Worn steering, suspension and drive line components can cause noise, vibration, premature tyre wear and misalignment.
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That’s why we perform a complete steering and suspension system inspection with every alignment. By replacing worn parts you regain steering control and handling which will return your vehicle to its original operating performance.

If you are having steering or suspension problems or if you hear unusual noises when driving over bumps or dips in the road, see us for a comprehensive steering and suspension inspection.

A Steering & Suspension Inspection includes:
  • Inspection of steering and suspension system
  • Road test to determine steering & suspension performance
  • A report and evaluation complete with our recommendations
  • An estimate for labor and parts requiring repair or replacement
Power Steering Fluid Check & Flush

Power steering fluid not only helps transfer pressure from the steering wheel to the tyres, it also lubricates the steering system. But like all fluids in your vehicle, power steering fluid wears out over time and must be replaced in order to ensure proper vehicle control and the longevity of steering components.

This service removes harmful contaminants and helps prevent premature wear of steering components, and maintains oil seal condition to help eliminate leaks and ensure appropriate fluid viscosity for maximum power steering performance. Your power steering fluid should be checked with every engine oil change or logbook service.

CV Joint and Boot Service

Each vehicle has so called Constant Velocity (CV) axle, which consists of two Constant Velocity joints. The main task of this CV axle is to transfer the torque from the engine to the wheels of your vehicle.

During its work, the engine of your car produces a lot of energy and the special mechanism is needed to deliver all this torque to your car’s wheels. CV joints allow all the power that engine gives to be transferred very smoothly.

The most common problem that causes Constant Velocity joints failure is crack in the boot. When the boot is cracked it can no longer protect the mechanism from the moisture and dirt. Dirt gets into the unit which increases the wear of its parts. You can even hear a noise (a clicking noise) during its work. So when you hear that clicking sound in your car’s CV joints that can only mean the crack in the boot.

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