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Trust Bondi Motor Works for top-quality VW repairs, log book maintenance, and battery replacement in Sydney. We offer expert service at affordable prices for Passat, Golf, Beetle, Phaeton, Jetta, Fox, Touareg, and more.
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Bondi Motor Works – Your VW Mechanic

VW ServicingVolkswagen has long occupied a specific niche among automakers – offering a delicate balance between purchase price and high quality. The same German engineering involved with Porsche is found in many VW models, from the economical Jetta to the luxury Phaeton, albeit at a much lower price. In a similar manner, Bondi Motor Works has built itself on the principle of offering the best possible technical ability combined with affordable and competitive prices.

Scheduled VW Maintenance Program

With the Passat, Golf, and Beetle all holding positions in the all-time top 10 list of best-selling cars, Sydney owners that want to get the maximum life possible have started to pay more attention to the schedule maintenance needed to keep performance as a high priority. Bondi Motor Works is a licensed provider of scheduled maintenance, specifically dealing with log book tasks and other routine work. With our assistance, your log book is validated and your Volkswagen will keep running well.

Top Notch Service At Affordable Prices

Other garages may be looking to squeeze out every possible dollar with each job done, but we have a different outlook to the customer and service provider relationship. With all of our local clients, including those from Bronte, North Bondi, and other points in Sydney, our goal is not to complete a single job, but rather to cultivate a relationship that lasts for years. The way to do that is offer competitive prices while delivering quality service, pure and simple. It may sound easy, but few garages in Sydney have the same results as Bondi Motor Works.

Volkswagen Battery Selection

By partnering with Bondi Motor Works, our scheduled maintenance and repairs will ensure that your Fox or Touareg will be in great shape for the long haul. When you need even simple work done, such as a battery replacement, you can come to us and we’ll be happy to switch out your old unit with a fully-juiced one. A full selection of VW batteries means that this minor repair will be taken care of immediately and you’ll be on your way.

When your VW is ready for the next level of service, you know who to call. Bondi Motor Works is located in nearby Bondi Junction and easily accessible from almost any location in Sydney.

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