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Experience excellence at Bondi Motor Works, your premier choice for Porsche servicing in Sydney. From log book maintenance to authorized inspections, our expert team delivers tailored service for peak performance. Trust us for unparalleled Porsche care. Call (02) 9386 0001.
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Porsche Excellence At Bondi Motor Works

Porsche ServicingPorsche cars and SUVs are built to be the pinnacle of German engineering, featuring the kind of styling and performance that are both capable of drawing a crowd. The 991 and Cayenne are both top of their class and represent the highest level of production vehicles. Like Porsche, our team at Bondi Motor Works endeavours to reach the highest level of excellence, exhibited by our modern facility, late-model equipment, talented staff, and most of all, the many clients that return to us any time they need help with their Porsche.

Complete Log Book Maintenance For Porsche Models

To keep your Cayman or Macan at optimal driving performance, getting log book maintenance done on time is a must. When you come to Bondi Motor Works for scheduled work, we’ll validate the job done and take a deeper look at your Porsche’s system to see if we can find anything out of the ordinary. Our Bondi Junction shop has diagnostic tools with the ability to pinpoint even a small aberration that could be affecting how your car responds or performs on the road.

Authorised Porsche Inspection

By law, your older 911 or Boxster will need to have an inspection done to make sure it’s still safe on the road. These inspections are done to preserve safety for all drivers and help to keep traffic accidents as low as possible. Bondi Motor Works is authorised to complete a pink slip inspection and can even speed up your Porsche’s registration by sending the results of the inspection to the authorities. This method is called an e-Safety Check and can help you save a considerable amount of time.

Service That Matches Your Car’s Performance

At Bondi Motor Works, it’s our pleasure to work on your Panamera or 918. More than just mechanics, our staff of innovative technicians are also gearheads at heart, which means their passion is your benefit. Because they truly care about your car and its function, you’ll be met with a level of respect and professionalism that is rare in the Sydney auto repair industry. Expect only the best in Porsche service and we guarantee you’ll leave satisfied with our work.

When you’re ready to deal with a local garage that goes a cut above competitors, then Bondi Motor Works is the only answer. Come see why Porsche owners from all over Sydney come to our Bondi Junction shop for any work they need done.

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