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Discover first-class Mercedes servicing and repairs at Bondi Motor Works in Sydney. From log book maintenance to expert repairs, trust our licensed garage for top-quality service. Call (02) 9386 0001 for all your Mercedes needs.
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A First class service for you and your Mercedes

Mercedes ServicingMercedes is an automaker perfectly poised at the intersection of form and function. From the older 300SD to a newer CLA model on the dealership lot, you can expect a seamless blend of classic styling, performance, and the kind of reliability that you can count on. What you shouldn’t come to expect is exorbitant prices for service and repair. At Bondi Motor Works, our Mercedes maintenance and repair options are fairly priced and we’ll work hard to become your local provider of choice in Sydney, regardless of whether you live in Bondi Beach, Queens Park, or Bellevue Hill.

Quality Mercedes Maintenance

Your new Mercedes may ride like a dream through the streets of Double Bay, but are you making sure that the log book tasks are being ticked off? Bondi Motor Works is a licensed garage authorised to take care of all Mercedes log book maintenance. Bring your car to us and we’ll complete the service, validate your log book, and have you back behind the wheel in just a short time. With our log book service, you’ll have no worries that your warranty may be in jeopardy.

Bondi Junction Mercedes Repair Shop

One of the remarkable things about Mercedes models like the 560 or R230 is that as an owner, you’ll rarely need to pay for repairs. Because Mercedes builds their cars to last, a person that keeps up with the regular maintenance will usually face very few repair issues. At the same time, it pays to know a local Mercedes repair garage for the unlikely event that something does break down. Bondi Motor Works is a full Mercedes repair provider and all of our fixes are done completely to manufacturer specifications for parts and methods.

Sydney Fleet Services

Mercedes RepairIf your business maintains a fleet of Mercedes vehicles, then you probably know that the biggest issue is just making sure that each car makes it to the shop on time to be serviced. The Bondi Motor Works fleet maintenance program will make sure that all your company’s needs are being met and that you have the highest possible number of Mercedes vehicles on the road at all times.

At Eastern Suburbs, we are true Mercedes experts from A to Z. Whatever your car needs, we’re just a phone call away. Schedule an appointment and experience truly first class Sydney auto repair service.

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