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Cooling System

Did you know that engine overheating is the most common cause of mechanical breakdowns on Sydney roads? Overheating your car can cause severe damage to the engine and the automatic transmission.
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Maintaining your vehicle’s radiator, fluids, and cooling system is essential in keeping your car on the road and avoiding expensive repairs.

Is your car over heating? Why you need a radiator flush.

If your car is over heating, you may need a radiator flush. The radiator is designed to be your vehicles cooling system by pumping coolant around the engine to stop it from overheating.

If your radiator isn’t performing properly or if you haven’t had a radiator flush performed regularly, then you could be doing substantial damage to your engine. A build up of rust and debris can congest your cooling system, making it run inefficiently and if it isn’t treated, it will lead to the problems stated above.

A radiator flush is a fairly low-cost procedure that is normally performed once a year or when recommended by your manufacturer. We use a flushing solution that is circulated through your cooling system to dissolve and clean the radiator and channels from what has built up. After this process is complete and the cooling system is free from any deposits, the solution is drained and the new coolant is added.

Benefits of a radiator flush
  • Your radiator will run more efficiently and increase life expectancy
  • Your engine will run more efficiently and increase life expectancy
  • Prevents rust and corrosion from building up in all metal parts of the engine
  • Get a boost in vehicle performance and power
  • Your water pump is further protected as it is better lubricated
  • Reduces the chance of blown head gaskets
  • The radiator flush keeps up with your maintenance requirements (warranty)
  • Protects your heater core for winter and the cooling systems seals in summer
Your thermostat

The thermostat regulates engine temperature. A faulty thermostat can result in low heat or overheating, poor fuel economy, a knock or ping sound when accelerating, and low temperature readings. It can even cause a vehicle to fail an emissions test.

Did you also know?

Engine coolant not only cools your vehicle by transferring heat from the engine to the radiator – it also warms the vehicle by transferring heat to the passenger compartment. In addition, engine coolant lubricates the water pump and protects the cooling system from corrosion.

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