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Explore expert Suzuki servicing at Bondi Motor Works in Bondi Junction. From off-road adventures to log book maintenance, our specialists provide top-notch care for your Suzuki. Call (02) 9386 0001 for efficient and effective service, whether you're on the streets of Sydney or tackling challenging terrains.
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A Suzuki Service In The Bondi Junction

Suzuki Service Repairs

Tackling the great outdoors in a Suzuki Jimny or Grand Vitara can be quite an adventure and these vehicles are perfectly suited for taking on tough terrain. At the same time, a hazardous landscape can do a decent bit of damage and bringing your Suzuki by Bondi Motor Works may on your way back into Sydney may be a good idea. We’ll give it a solid investigation after every adventure you take to locate any problems and have them corrected for your next time out.

Suzuki Log Book Maintenance

More than just off-road specialists, the team at Bondi Motor Works works with all Suzuki models, including the popular Kizashi, Swift, and SX4 cars. In addition to all manner of repairs, our garage also has licenses for log book maintenance, meaning no more expensive trips to the dealership. Get your Suzuki scheduled work done at a local shop to save both time and money.

Repairing Suzuki Braking Systems

Like any other automaker, Suzuki vehicles are not exempt from eventual problems, such as eroding brake pads. As a driver, you should be aware of signs like bouncy brakes or loud sounds that could indicate your shoes or pads are nearing their end and bring your Suzuki to Bondi Motor Works at the first signs that something could be wrong. Even with our impressive technical ability, waiting too long to handle a braking problem often means rotor replacement in addition to the pads.

Superior Suzuki Specialists

When your APV or Alto has braking or other problems, you’ll be well-served by choosing Bondi Motor Works as our mechanics are specialists in all things Suzuki and turnaround times with us are often much less than competing garages. Because our team knows what they’re doing and have quick access to an extensive parts inventory, your repair or service will be done quickly and effectively. Your Suzuki is in more than capable hands at our Bondi Junction shop.

Bondi Motor Works has a long history working with Suzuki models and counts many Suzuki owners as long term clients. Whether you’re running the streets of Sydney or headed out to a more challenging landscape, we’ll be ready to provide the best service when you need it.

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